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Popular routes to London

Things to do in London

Where do GWR trains to London arrive and depart?

GWR trains arrive and depart from London Paddington train station.

What London Underground services run from London Paddington?

The station is served by 4 London Underground lines - Bakerloo, Circle, District and Hammersmith & City Line.

Which train services run direct to London?

Trains run directly to London Paddington from a number of popular British destinations including Bristol, Bath, Oxford, Exeter and Cardiff.

When is the best time to travel to London by train?

Travelling off-peak will ensure you avoid the busiest services and take advantage of cheaper tickets.
Travelling outside of commuter times or at the weekends will make sure you beat the crowds.

What are the facilities at London Paddington Station?

London Paddington has free public WiFi, multiple retail outlets, a First Class lounge, left luggage facilities and public toilets.

Train tickets to London

Wherever you’re travelling from, you don’t need to break the bank when booking your London train tickets.
Consider these money saving options when you book and you’re bound to find a cheaper option.

Advance Tickets

Buy your tickets in advance to find the lowest fares

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