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Popular routes to Oxford

Things to do in Oxford

Where do GWR trains to Oxford arrive and depart?

GWR trains arrive and depart from Oxford train station; just a short walk from the city’s main attractions.

Which train services run direct to Oxford?

Direct trains from London Paddington, Reading, Worcester and Banbury all run to Oxford train station.

When is the best time to travel to Oxford by train?

Off-peak train services offer quieter journeys both to and from Oxford station.

By travelling at the weekend or outside of busy commuter times, you’ll be able to take advantage of cheaper rail fares too.

What are the facilities at Oxford Station?

Oxford train station has public Wi-Fi, multiple retail outlets and two waiting rooms.

Train tickets to Oxford

Make a saving on your Oxford train tickets by booking in a group or travelling off-peak. Click on the options below to see how you can take advantage of cheaper train tickets.

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