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Popular routes to Swindon

Things to do in Swindon

Where do GWR trains to Swindon arrive and depart?

GWR trains arrive and depart from Swindon (Wilts) train station.

The station is centrally located and is just a short walk from the town centre and busy shopping district.

Which train services run direct to Swindon?

Trains to Swindon run direct from a number of major UK stations including London Paddington, Bristol Temple Meads and Cheltenham Spa.

Train services from Wales, such as Swansea and Cardiff, also run direct to Swindon.

When is the best time to travel to Swindon by train?

Travelling off-peak is by far the best way to reach Swindon by train.

Cheaper off-peak services run outside of busy commuter times and at the weekend.

Train tickets to Swindon

By booking as a group or using a Railcard, you can make big savings on your Swindon train tickets. Take a look at our range of ticket options below to see how you can save on your journey.

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